Looking For An After School Rock Band Music Club?

Hosting an after school music club can be an incredible experience for students, parents and even teachers to pitch in on. The students get to experience something they may not have been able to if it wasn’t supported by the school or a group on their behalf, and both the parents and teachers get the opportunity to support the passions of the new generation as they have fun and figure out what it is they want to do with their lives. Not that the career options of the next generation are decided and determined by what goes on in an after school music club, but working within a team, collaborating with others and learning a new instrument can inform and support a lot of life choices these students will make one day. Learning an instrument at an early age may seem insignificant, but the cognitive development going on at this age is incredible, and studies have proven that those who have learned an instrument are smarter than those who have not.

Not all schools have the facilities to deliver an after school music club or any after school club. However, this doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. Here at WeJam, we are utterly enthusiastic and passionate about music, and we deliver incredible musical experiences to everyone that wants to take part. If students, parents or even teachers can gather enough interest into organizing an after school music club, we here at WeJam will head down and host it for you! We believe it would be an incredible shame if schools and students weren’t able to experience music, performing in a band or pursuing their solo career. Fortunately, we specialize in creating memorable music experiences that can be enjoyed by everyone. Today, we have gone to the pleasure of outlining what a great after school music club should include, and why we think they’re beneficial to everyone. Let’s take a look!

Developing a Talent Requires Repetition

According to the experts, it can take up to 18 days to form a new habit, and once those set of motions have ingrained into the brain, it becomes part of your muscle memory. Learning a new and exciting instrument is not as daunting of a task as some may think. All you need to get started is the instrument, a positive attitude to learning and dedicated scheduled time to remove all distraction and practise.
Of course, that 18-day window won’t be the same for everyone, which is why it’s important to have a supportive, collaborative and creative environment that people can go to and get in the zone. Whether it’s an after school music club or even an after school rock band club, the key to learning anything is persistence and dedication. Not everyone is an expert in the beginning, and as frustrating as that might be for the perfectionists out there, it’s important to trust the process of the after school club.

It is said that during the Renaissance period, Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci spent 14 years working on the portrait of the Mona Lisa. He began in 1503 and finished a large portion of his work by 1506. However, it is speculated that Da Vinci worked up until 1517 before he was fully finished with his masterpiece. He was one of the greatest artists of all time, and whatever you may think of the finished Mona Lisa portrait; the message you should take away is that learning a skill or developing a talent is something that needs to be invested in and nurtured over time. Picture any great artist in your mind, musicians included, and their journey is not usually an overnight story. The greatest of the greats spend endless hours, days, and weeks honing their craft to be the best they can be. Developing any skills requires repetition and practise, and that is something a great after school musical club can deliver to anyone who is interested.

Collaboration With Peers Creates a Social Environment

We’re confident that at some point in our lives, we have all been in a situation where we were nervous about taking part in something, but then as soon as we saw our friends involved, we felt that instant rush of relief. This reassurance is something beginner musicians and students need when they’re just getting started on their musical journey, and that’s a given when it comes to the environment of an after school music club. Any good after school music club worth its title will hopefully instil pride and courage into all students that attend, and these are life lessons that will stay with them for many years to come.

Also, it’s equally important to create great memories around learning, development and especially music to pass onto the next generation of students. Something we’re overtly passionate about at WeJam is delivering incredible rock band experiences, and that doesn’t stop when it comes to after school clubs. All students could learn
a lot from an after school rock band club, which isn’t just ripping some sick chords and jamming out with their friends.

There’s a certain level of bravery, perseverance and collaboration that goes on when you’re working within a band, and for some groups, it takes them years to find that perfect formula. Not every band knows their cues instantly, what they’re going to be doing on the night, or exactly what the other bandmates will be doing on the night either. Some tricks that are developed while working with an after school rock band club is learning how to, almost, telepathically communicate with your bandmates so that everyone gets their time to shine, and so the crowd is loving the music enough to get out of their seat and jump around! Learning how to communicate and operate within a team is something everyone needs to learn because you can’t do everything on your own all the time, and who doesn’t want the chance to rock the world as a band?

Who Said Learning Has To Be Boring?

Are you the type of person to put your most boring tasks at the top of your to-do list or the very, very bottom of the list? We’d like to place a bet and say your most boring tasks are at the bottom of your list because we know how much we enjoy doing all the fun stuff first and slowly making our way around to boring stuff in life. With a planned out, supportive and collaborative after school rock band club – learning an instrument doesn’t have to be one of those boring things.
Learning a new instrument is an incredible journey, and you’re never too late to pick one up and learn one. The experts at AgeUK even say that keeping your cognitive mind healthy is the trick to keeping our wits about us as we get older. Obviously, this shouldn’t be the driving focus that students need to pay attention to, but music is an incredibly rewarding talent that creates great sounds and helps the brain stay healthy. It is also a way for students to approach learning something new in a fun and interesting way, whilst also getting them away from textbooks and the typical student-teacher dynamic.

An After School Music Club Can Bring The Community Together

Organizing a project where everyone can learn something would bring students, teachers and parents together outside of normal education hours. And who says that the party has to end there? With all the stars that will be born out of these after school music clubs, there’ll always be music auditions, talent performances and gig nights that everyone can attend! Also, after a year of social distancing and event restrictions, it would be nice for everyone to come together, get some passions burning and put those efforts towards an incredible after school rock band club experience!

Looking For Someone To Host Your After School Rock Band Music Club?

At WeJam, we are incredibly happy and proud to announce that we will come down to your school and fulfil the role of hosting an after school rock band club. You don’t have to worry about a thing, other than getting the troops together. We will bring with us; expertise, great tunes, good spirits and a message we firmly stand behind. Which learning an instrument is, and always should be, an incredibly rewarding, enjoyable and memorable experience.
Across the country, we put on live jam sessions where groups can come to us and live out their rock band dreams! Our sessions are available for groups that have varying knowledge when it comes to music because our session can be picked up by anyone. They’re super adaptable. Get in contact with us today, and arrange a WeJam visit where we will host your after school rock band club. Check out our website to find out more about what we do, and make an inquiry with us today!

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